Living in South Africa

Flying 11494 Miles for a COVID Vaccine

Flying 11494 Miles for a COVID Vaccine

Remember there’s the old song “500 Miles” by Peter, Paul and Mary? Well, I’m flying 11,494 miles, not to a lost love, but to get a COVID vaccination in California. Because if I stay here in South Africa I might be waiting until next year - or even maybe for ever - as the rollout has barely started here. I was planning to go back in June, anyway, so I just brought it forward a month.

Putting Plans in Place

Putting Plans in Place

With just 4 weeks til I leave, I’m slowly putting plans in place. Well, actually mostly planning and figuring where and when I will be anywhere!

First week is completely sorted! Quarantine at Betsy and Barry’s! My vaccine shot and from there, probably south to San Diego for a few days to see Georgia before heading north - in increments. I’ll probably spend considerable time in Washington before going east to Montana.

Life on Hold

Life on Hold

They tell us - we should be getting vaccines soon. Again, how much we can believe that, is another story. Supposedly the first plane load arrives tomorrow, Monday, headed for first responders and essential workers. But when the second batch will arrive is a mystery and that is probably the batch that I could possibly, maybe get! It could arrive sometime soon, but more like not for a couple of months.

As the World Shrinks...

As the World Shrinks...

I sat here on the diametrically opposite side of the world on Wednesday, 6 January 2021 and was appalled at the events live streaming into my granny flat in South Africa. In real time, I watched as rioters and what people are calling domestic terrorists heeded the call of the person still in the White House. It’s the place I called home for almost 50 years, where my boys and grandkids are. Where my friends from those years are. A place always considered safe and until 4 years ago, sane.

This Shit is Everywhere!

This Shit is Everywhere!

It’s been an interesting few days, surprisingly! Not event-wise, but as an introspective time that was foisted on me unexpectedly.

We’d been going along merrily, doing as normal a life can be these days when I was notified that I had been in contact with someone who tested positive to the plague. Then a good friend I visited notified me she had tested positive, so I extended my quarantine for the full 10 days. Which led to a meltdown and a lot of introspection.