Granny Travels — Heading Home via Ensenada

Heading Home via Ensenada

Ensenada waterfront After a wonderful day on the Ruta del Vino, we headed south to Ensenada for fish tacos! Even though it was early, we decided to forgo breakfast near the Airbnb for a small restaurant right in the fish market.

It wasn't too early for Margaritas though!


The old areas of Ensendada haven't really changed much. The harbor is still full of old fishing boats and the quay lined with vendors selling colorful sarapes, toys and leather goods. Walking through the fish market was a feast for the eyes, with fresh catch beautifully presented, and the sellers hawking their wares! Of course, as we were leaving and didn't have a cooler, we just looked and took pictures!

The streets are surprisingly clean, not something I remembered from the last time I was there. But the stores lining the downtown still gave Phil the opportunity to practice his bargaining skills! And whether we scored big time or not wasn't the issue, we just had fun and a lot of laughs!

But the fun stopped abruptly when, on the way out of town, we hit a HUGE pothole that flattened one of the run-flat tires! Fortunately we were right next to a petrol station where five other cars, also with damaged tires and rims had pulled in. Unfortunately, there was no tire outlet even within 100 miles that had the right tire so we limped north to San Diego and the BMW dealer, stopping every 10-15 miles at a gas station to give the tire some air. $400 later, and hours later we made it back to Studio City.

Despite the tire problem, that was one of the most memorable trips I have taken in a long time and I can't wait to go back, and spend more time exploring.

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