Monday, weather permitting, I get to go flying! And not just in any old plane, or airliner, but a float plane! I am really excited about it.
The last time I flew in a seaplane was back in 1970 in the Virgin Islands. I was on a Visitor's visa which kept expiring, so I would take the old Grumman Goose from St. Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands to St. John in the British Virgins, check in and check back out and fly back to St. Thomas. That went on for a while... but that's a whole other story!

So the seaplane is a Kenmore Air plane and I won't know which one it is until - get this - it picks me up at the local marina! I don't even have to drive to the base. Then we will fly either over the Olympic Mountains or south of the range, out to the West Coast. The whole purpose, besides a story or two, is to test the waters in Willapa Bay and Grays Harbor. The trip is part of an ongoing Department of Ecology program that monitors the waters of Washington State. And because the magazine I work with is the inflight magazine for the airline, I am able to go with them, take photos and shoot videos and write an article.
Now that is a BIG adventure. And I am really hoping the weather holds and doesn't screw us up.
Talking about the weather - wow! Spectacular today. Sun, mild, calm. So I went for a walk in town to blow away the cobwebs and cabin fever. And while there I found the exact boots I need for my flying trip, as I was cautioned, "Dress warmly." The boots are waterproof and Thinsulate lined. Perfect! And I have some lined jeans that a friend gave me, so I should be fine. I hate being cold!