
New Normal?

New Normal?

Is this the new normal? It’s actually quite comfortable. Maybe we have just been so brainwashed and constrained for the last 5 months, this easing up feels like a whole new world and maybe we’ve completely forgotten what it’s like to live any other way! (Or maybe it’s a conspiracy to control us!!!!!)

Glimmer of Light at the End of the Lockdown

Glimmer of Light at the End of the Lockdown

There’s a glimmer of hope during this horrendous, draconian shutdown in South Africa. Starting June 1, we will be “allowed” to buy liquor, exercise any time and the full-on curfew from 7pm-5am will be lifted. Of course, all the social distancing protocols are supposed to be adhered to, but we’ll have to see how that plays out.

Reprieve of Sorts and a Rant

Reprieve of Sorts and a Rant

I had high hopes that when Level 4 of the South African Lockdown kicked in on May 1, there would be an easing of restrictions to make this isolation more bearable. But except for a 3 hour window in the early morning when we are allowed to “exercise”, nothing changed for me. No visiting, no socializing, no, no, no.

A Week to Go...Sort of

A Week to Go...Sort of

With one more week at what is now known as Level 5 (complete lockdown) to go, last night President Ramaphosa outlined what we can expect to change. Which is not much. The biggie for me is that we will be able to get out to “exercise” which means I can go for walks, instead of being in here going stir crazy.