Change is the Only Thing Constant in Life

Change is the Only Thing Constant in Life

So said wise guy Heraclitus and it really is true!

For me at this point, the only constants I feel I have in my life are the underwear site and Ryan! The other people and events are ephemeral, changing like the clouds over Discovery Bay, here one minute, gone and back again. Absolutely nothing feels permanent, or even a little solid.

Cry Our Beloved Country

Cry Our Beloved Country

I have felt helpless this last week, watching the mayhem and seeing South Africa implode. The destruction is so hard to see unfolding and fearing for my friends and family. And feeling so guilty not being there to help the communities and specifically, the little community where I was living. It’s such a helpless feeling, seeing the disaster unfold and being powerless to do anything.

Coming Up - Road Trip!

Coming Up - Road Trip!

I can’t believe how fast the time is going by! I’ve been here more than 5 weeks already and as of Monday, will have the full force of the Pfizer vaccine protecting me! But I am still cautious being around a lot of people and in enclosed spaces and wear a mask, as do about half the people I see here in California, where things are sort of going back to “normal.”

2nd Shot - What a Relief

2nd Shot - What a Relief

That long flight was worth it! Second shot done and I feel so relieved!

And it was so easy! I had to change the location for this shot as I am in Newport Beach, kitty sitting and didn’t want to have to drive down to Laguna Niguel where I had the first one. As I used the same pharmacy chain, they had my info. I responded to the alerts sent to remind me the day before, then half an hour ahead and then to “Click Here to Check In.” With California “opening up” tomorrow, I feel like I got my shots just in time!

Other Than Sticker Shock...

Other Than Sticker Shock...

Initially, being here felt strange, probably just the time difference and jet lag. Now, it’s almost like I was never gone - until I go to buy anything and then I almost fall over backwards! Prices have skyrocketed these last couple of years. I knew things would be more expensive, but never imagined they would be so much higher than I anticipated! I can almost see my savings shrinking…

Landed Safely, Durban to Los Angeles

Landed Safely, Durban to Los Angeles

What a mammoth flight!

The lead up to the trip was a bit nerve wracking as I had to have my Covid test within 3 days of landing here. And with all my flights and connections booked, and my anticipation and excitement growing, it would have been a real blow to get a positive test result a day before leaving.